The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: Rick Perry, Former Governor of Texas (R): Biden's Policies "Move away from America First"


In the June 11, 2021 Episode 108 of Season 2 of The Water Cooler with David Brody:

Segment #1:  David Brody speaks with the Former Governor of Texas Rick Perry about the G7 Summit, the Keystone XL Pipeline, and Rep. Ilhan Omar’s controversial comments. 

Segment #2:   David Brody speaks with Dr. Dave Brat about the Bi-Partisan agreement reached by Ten Senate Democrats and Republicans on an Infrastructure deal framework.

Segment #3: David Brody speaks with Dr. Bryan Ardis on the F.D.A. announcement that 60 million Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines produced at a Baltimore factory can’t be used. 

Segment #4: Real America’s Voice correspondent Karyn Turk speaks with  Kelley Paul, wife of U.S. Senator Rand Paul, from the Turning Point USA Young Women’s Leadership Summit in Dallas, T.X. 

Segment #5: The Last Sip: David Brody talks about two people who tested positive for COVID-19 on a fully vaccinated cruise ship.

Segment #6: Joe Weber, News Editor for Just the News shares the latest headlines on the Just the News website.